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Connects refugees to Utrecht
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Will you join us?

Would you like to become a volunteer? Take part in our activities? Or get involved in any other way for refugees in Utrecht? Check the possibilities, there is always something to do!


Check out our agenda for the activities we are organizing in the near future!

News & experiences

Vacancy administrative assistant (16 hours) Image

Vacancy administrative assistant (16 hours)

Welkom in Utrecht is committed to refugees living in Utrecht. Our activities help these people build their own network and get to know society. They bring relaxation and contribute to personal growth. In this way we try to promote an energetic attitude to life, which is good for both the…

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Learning Dutch in the library Image

Learning Dutch in the library

Last Friday, a number of women from the emergency shelter on Europalaan visited Utrecht Library in Kanaleneiland. This library carries the message: The library is for everyone! Many fun activities related to reading and language are organized. For example, every week you can go to a reading afternoon, you can…

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Volunteers wanted at emergency shelter Kanaleneiland! Image

Volunteers wanted at emergency shelter Kanaleneiland!

We are looking hard for volunteers to help at the emergency shelter on Europalaan in Kanaleneiland. Do you enjoy helping someone learn the Dutch language? Are you creative and do you love children? Or would you like to mean something in another way for the women and children of…

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The sewing workshop in Wijkwijzer Noordoost Image

The sewing workshop in Wijkwijzer Noordoost

“She makes beautiful knitted dresses and sweaters for family members who are in France, among others. ‘Delightful’ she thinks it is to do. Like looking at old buildings: ‘I don’t like to sit still.’ Iraqi Rawaa (63), now in the Netherlands for four years and working on her integration course,…

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