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The sewing workshop in Wijkwijzer Noordoost

The sewing workshop in Wijkwijzer Noordoost

“She makes beautiful knitted dresses and sweaters for family members who are in France, among others. ‘Delightful’ she thinks it is to do. Like looking at old buildings: ‘I don’t like to sit still.’

Iraqi Rawaa (63), now in the Netherlands for four years and working on her integration course, comes to sewing class every Friday morning at the Star Lodge Hotel on Biltsestraatweg. Very occasionally she sits behind the sewing machine, but mostly she sticks to her knitting pins. Around her, several people are busy sewing or repairing clothes. Apart from refugees, Utrechters are also welcome to join the activity. Fabrics and wool are regularly donated. Today there are again a few full bins on the table.”

Read the entire article about our sewing studio in Star Lodge on the Neighborhood Watch Northeast website here: Creatief in Star Lodge Hotel – niet de hele dag op een kamer zitten – Wijkwijzer Noordoost