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Healing stuffed animals at Teddy Bear Hospital

Healing stuffed animals at Teddy Bear Hospital

“Today was beautiful” a little boy sighed afterwards.

His big sister is seriously ill and he was able to ask all the questions he had about all the medical things he saw. And that did him so much good.

Because here they were again: the wonderful medical students of IFMSA-NL who now provided a special afternoon for our children in azc Joseph Haydnlaan by setting up the Teddy Bear Hospital!

Children were all ears to learn all about hearing their heartbeat, about broken bones and other diseases that had happened to their teddy! They got to apply plaster, and they also got to put on a real surgical suit to feel like a real doctor.

Thank you so much for your energy, patience and love for these children, dear students!

Thank you also to Stichting Koude Voetjes for knitting the Miffy stuffed animals that the children could take home with them afterwards, healthy and well.