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DJ workshop for kids

DJ workshop for kids

Recently, students from HKU and Music Moves visited Plan Einstein Pahud. They not only gave a super fun DJ workshop for the kids, but also a fantastic house party in the living room for young and old!

It all started in the afternoon with children learning how to spin records like true DJs. With lots of interest, the participants were inspired and informed. The enthusiasm and concentration was bursting from everyone until the last moment. When the workshop was over, all participants received a certificate!

During a break of about an hour and a half, the living room was then transformed into a veritable club. With a rolled-out red carpet, glitter, balloons, a smoke machine and disco lights, the house party for young and old could then really begin.

While enjoying delicious snacks, there was a lot of dancing to the fast and groovy tunes! And so the party became both a huge inspiration, and a great enjoyment for all.

Through this way, we would like to thank Music Moves and everyone involved once again for an unforgettable day full of fun, music and dance!