Cycling in a group

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Go cycling with cycling club Lombok Peppers. No bike or biking clothes? No problem, we can arrange that for you. Afterwards you will drink something together in a bar.


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Every Tuesday, refugees can go to the movies through Welkom in Utrecht at the Louis Hartlooper Complex, Slachtstraat Filmtheater and Springhaver Theater. Every week there is a changing selection of films at different times.

Meetup night Mijn Wijk Jouw Wijk

Event Categories:

Mijn Wijk Jouw Wijk organizes a meet-up night every first Thursday of the month from 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the neighborhood restaurant A Beautiful Mess on the azc at Joseph Haydnlaan 2. About 30 neighborhood residents and 30 asylum seekers attend. Each time there is a different theme and we cook and eat together. The local residents pay for the azc residents.