Dutch language cafe De Voorkamer

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Description Come to De Voorkamer on Tuesday evenings to practice Dutch while meeting people from different cultural backgrounds. You don't have to sign up and can just walk in. Location De Voorkamer | Kanaalstraat 225 Transport Everybody goes to the location by themselves. Registration Want more information or register as volunteer? Then contact De Voorkamer […]

Sewing studio at Het Wilde Westen

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A weekly sewing studio. No workshop, but with the assistance of Yink there are fabrics and sewing machines available that you can use! So, if you want to make something, come by on Wednesday at Het Wilde Westen.

Language cafe Pahud

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Do you want to practice the Dutch language? ou can at the language cafes of Welkom in Utrecht at Plan Einstein Pahud. With varying compositions. Please register with Linda at linda@welkominutrecht.nu or 0639700864

Bouldering with Tawab

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Do you want to try a new and exciting sport? Come bouldering with Tawab! You will go together to the boulder hall and he will teach you how to do it.

Gardening vegetable garden Stadion

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Do you like gardening in Utrecht Oost? Then help out on two vegetable gardens of Amateur Gardeners Association 'Stadion' together with local residents.

Wool workshop

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You are welcome to the wool workshop. Here wool is washed, dyed and spun. With it you can create a work of art, for example a rug. Just a ten-minute walk from azc Star Lodge.

Aikido for kids

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Aikido, a Japanese martial art, for kids. You train together with residents from the neighbourhood.

PKN Language cafe

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Do you want to practice your Dutch skills together with a Dutch-speaking volunteer? You can with the PKN Language cafe! Attention: there might be a waitinglist.