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Visiting Social Work at ROC Midden Nederland

Visiting Social Work at ROC Midden Nederland

“It was amazing to meet students Social Work! I want to do this work in the future!”

Orrwa from Syria was one of the young people from the asylum center who accompanied the ROC Midden Nederland to visit Social Work students who were working on a project about refugees.

Orrwa visited the school together with Rama and Salim from Syria and Biniyam from Eritrea. It was an interesting and educational meeting for both sides. For the young people from the asylum seekers’ center, it was very nice to be inside a school building for once, chatting with Dutch students and teachers. At the same time, they were able to tell their stories, which in turn was very instructive and informative for the students. Not easy to get so many questions about their flight, the why and about their families who often stayed behind.

The students then decided to organize a fun activity for the residents of the asylum center. So they prepared Dutch snacks such as cheese cubes and stuffed eggs and then went to the center of Utrecht for a fun tour.

We are very grateful for the contact that has been established. Getting to know each other and understanding who the other is the basis for living together! Thanks to the teachers Anita, Kim-My and Willem for organizing and facilitating this meeting. And thank all students for your enthusiasm!!!

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