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Open azc day at Star Lodge

Open azc day at Star Lodge

The weather threatened to be stormy but after a small splash of rain, the sun did break through during the open azc day September 28!

The day at azc Star Lodge on Biltsestraatweg attracted many people. After entering, people could get a tour from COA, which was widely used. One student said he was now more satisfied with his student room after seeing that in the azc four people have to share a room with each other!

Several organizations such as Vluchtelingenwerk and the IND presented themselves, and of course so did we. Volunteers from our language cafes tried to recruit new volunteers among the visitors. Bright Richards of New Dutch Connections gave a performance in our Living Room together with a kora player (an African harp) in which he emphasized the commonality of all people (see photo). He told his own story and there was singing and dancing together.

Many of the visitors had never been to an azc before, and the annual open azc day was an interesting introduction for them! And azc residents let us know that they really enjoyed making contact with Dutch people! In short: a nice day full of encounters.