Vacancy: Team manager (24-32 hours)
Welcome to Utrecht is committed to refugees living in Utrecht. Our activities help these people build a network and get to know society. The activities also provide relaxation and contribute to personal growth. In this way we try to promote an energetic attitude to life, which is not only good for the newcomers but also for society.
The number of shelters where Welkom in Utrecht is active has increased over the past years. We have acquired several activity spaces for this purpose including a living room at Plan Einstein Pahud in Overvecht and the HerculesHoek at the Herculesplein. Because of these developments, our team has expanded and we are now looking for a team manager. Deze zal leidinggeven aan vier kleine teams met in totaal 16 medewerkers, bestaande uit (senior) programmamedewerkers en contactmedewerkers. In addition, volunteers and interns are part of the various teams.
Welkom in Utrecht employees are very involved with the target group and do their work from their ideals. Intrinsic motivation is therefore self-evident.
Does this also suit you? Are you an involved and reliable person, who has heart for the mission of Welcome to Utrecht? Dan zien we uit naar je reactie.
What is the role of the team manager?
As team manager within Welcome to Utrecht, you have a connecting and facilitating role. You manage small teams connected to a specific reception location or target group. You ensure that they can operate independently and within a common vision, thus guaranteeing the continuity and quality of the work. You know how to use the individual qualities of the employees and ensure that they enjoy their work.
What are your duties and responsibilities?
- Creating the framework conditions that allow employees to work independently and optimally both individually and within a team
- Ensuring that individual team members can make decisions autonomously and appropriately as much as possible
- Supervise, motivate and coach employees, focusing on their personal and professional development
- Facilitate collaboration within and between teams and locations, with consideration for diversity and differences between them
- Oversee and support administrative tasks such as schedules, budget management and consultation structures
- Provide supervision of volunteers and interns
- Safeguarding the modus operandi and core values of Welcome to Utrecht
- Work with the director to translate tactical policies into workable goals
- Maintain relationships with external cooperation partners and anticipate social developments
- Identify bottlenecks and coordinate actions to resolve them
- Co-responsibility for management of various sites
What do you bring?
- Bachelor’s or academic work and thinking level
- Experience with situational leadership
- Affinity and preferably experience with the target group of refugees
- Strong organizational skills, with an eye for detail as well as the bigger picture
- An enabling and connecting leadership style, focused on collaboration
- Sensitivity, excellent listening and empathy skills
- Skills to communicate clearly orally and in writing
- Be able to separate main issues from side issues
- Flexibility and creativity
- Being able to handle resistance well
- A positive attitude and openness to feedback
- Preferably living (near) Utrecht
Denk je dat deze functie iets voor jou is, stuur dan een motivatiebrief en cv naar vóór donderdag 20 februari.
A half-day walk-in at one of our locations will be part of the application procedure.
Welkom in Utrecht applies the CAO Care and Welfare. The position Teammanager falls under salary scale 9.